Dynamics Seminar by Konstantin Mischaikow (Rutgers) on June 5

On Wednesday 5th of June at 4 pm, Konstantin Mischaikow (Rutgers) will give a talk in the Amsterdam Dynamics Seminar. The talk will take place in the Maryam seminar room (9A-46) at 16 h.
The talk will be followed by drinks in Living, namely the farewell drinks of the seminar organizers (please reply to the invitation in Mariëlle's mail!)
Title: Homological Dynamics: Why, What, and some Applications
Abstract: A consequence of the ubiquity of computers and the development of user friendly software packages is that most scientists and engineers study the dynamics of analytic models, e.g., differential equations, numerically. Machine learning is in the process of replacing analytic models with `black box’ models. In both settings, the goal is to derive understanding of the dynamics from large data sets. This is often done by making use of ideas from dynamical systems with a focus on invariant sets.
In this talk I will suggest alternative method for describing dynamics based on elementary combinatorical and algebraic concepts. I will provide a brief justification for why alternative approaches to the classical theory is need.I will pieces what a theory of homological dynamics should contain. Finally, I will give examples where this homological approach proves useful.